Superstrings, geometry, topology, and C*-algebras : NSF-CBMS Conference Topology, C*-algebras, and String Duality, May 18-22, 2009, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas / Robert S. Doran, Greg Friedman, Jonathan Rosenberg, editors por NSF-CBMS Conference Topology, C*-algebras, and String Duality (2009 : Texas Christian University) | Doran, Robert S, 1937- [editor] | Friedman, Greg, 1973- [editor] | Rosenberg, J. (Jonathan), 1951- [editor] | Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences | National Science Foundation (Estados Unidos). Series Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics ; v. 81Tipo de material: Texto; Formato:
impreso ; Forma literaria:
No es ficción Editor: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, 2010Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Libros (1)Clasificación: QA612 N74.
Harmonic analysis on reductive, p-adic groups : AMS Special Session on Harmonic Analysis and Representations of Reductive, p-adic Groups, January 16, 2010, San Francisco, CA / Robert S. Doran, Paul J. Sally, Jr., Loren Spice, editors por AMS Special Session on Harmonic Analysis and Representations of Reductive, p-adic Groups (2010 : San Francisco, California) | Doran, Robert S, 1937- [editor] | Sally, Paul [editor] | Spice, Loren, 1981- [editor]. Series Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 543.Tipo de material: Texto; Formato:
disponible en línea ; Forma literaria:
No es ficción Detalles de publicación: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, c2011Acceso en línea: Texto completo Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.
Group representations, ergodic theory, and mathematical physics : a tribute to George W. Mackey : AMS special session honoring the memory of George W. Mackey, January 7-8, 2007, New Orleans, Louisiana / Robert S. Doran, Calvin C. Moore, Robert J. Zimmer, editors por Mackey, George W. (George Whitelaw), 1916-2006 | Doran, Robert S, 1937- [editor] | Moore, C. C. (Calvin C.), 1936- [editor] | Zimmer, Robert J, 1947- [editor]. Series Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 449.Tipo de material: Texto; Formato:
disponible en línea
festschrift ; Forma literaria:
No es ficción Detalles de publicación: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, c2008Acceso en línea: Texto completo Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.