Arnolʹd, V. I., 1937-2010,

Vladimir I. Arnold : collected works / edited by Alexander B. Givental, , Jerrold E. Marsden, Alexander N. Varchenko, Victor A. Vassilev, Oleg Ya. Viro, Vladimir M. Zakalyukin - volúmenes : ilustraciones

Representations of functions, celestial mechanics and KAM theory, 1957-1965 -- Hydrodynamics, bifurcation theory, and algebraic geometry, 1965-1972 -- Singularity theory 1972-1979 -- Singularities in symplectic and contact geometry -- Dynamics, combinatorics, and invariants of knots, curves, and wave fronts, 1992-1995 volume I. volume II. volume III. volume IV. Volume VI.

Texto principalmente en inglés, algunos ensayos en ruso

9783642017414 9783642310300 9783662496121 9783662561881 9783031048005

Mecánica celeste

QA3 / A75