The Ricci flow : techniques and applications / Bennett Chow ... [y otros.] - volúmenes - Mathematical surveys and monographs, v. 135, 144, 163, 206 . - Mathematical surveys and monographs .

Geometric aspects -- Analytic aspects -- Geometric-analytic aspects -- Long-time solutions and related topics pt. 1. pt. 2. pt. 3. pt. 4.

9780821839461 (pt .1) 0821839462 (pt. 1) 9780821844298 (pt. 2) 9780821846612 (pt. 3) 9780821849910 (pt. 4)

Geometría diferencial global
Flujo de Ricci
Desigualdades (Matemáticas)
Variedades de Riemann

QA670 / R53