Arithmetic and geometry around hypergeometric functions : lecture notes of a CIMPA Summer School held at Galatasaray University, Istanbul, 2005 /
Rolf-Peter Holzapfel, A. Muhammed Uludaæg, Masaaki Yoshida, editors
- viii, 437 páginas : ilustraciones
- Progress in mathematics ; v. 235 .
- Progress in mathematics (Boston, Mass.) ; v. 260 .
"This volume comprises the Lecture Notes of the CIMPA Summer School Arithmetic and Geomeyrt around Hypergeometric Functions held at Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey during June 13-25,2005."---prefacio
9783764382834 3-7643-8283-X
Álgebra--Congresos Geometría algebraica--Congresos Teoría de los números--Congresos