Landau, L. D. 1908-1968,

Electrodynamics of continuous media / by L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz ; translated from the Russian by J.B. Sykes, J.S. Bell, and M.J. Kearsley - Second edition revised and enlarged / by E.M. Lifshitz and L.P. Pitaevskii - 460 páginas : ilustraciones ; - Course of theoretical physics / L.D. Landau & E.M. Lifshitz ; v. 8 . - Landau, Lev Davidovich, 1908-1968. English ; Teoreticheskaëiìa fizika (Izd. 2-e). v. 8. .

"Reprinted with corrections 1993"--Rev. de la portada Traduccion de: Elektrodinamika sploshnykh sred. Incluye indices

0750626348 9780750626347

Ondas electromagnéticas
Mecánica continua

QC661 / L34 1993