Foundations of Grothendieck duality for diagrams of schemes /
Lipman, Joseph,
Foundations of Grothendieck duality for diagrams of schemes / Joseph Lipman, Mitsuyasu Hashimoto - x, 478 páginas - Lecture notes in mathematics, v. 1960 . - Lecture notes in mathematics .
Traducción de: [Algebraicheskaya geometriya]
9783540854197 3540854193
Esquemas (Geometría algebraica)
Curvas algebraicas
Superficies algebraicas
Álgebra lineal
QA564 / L56513
Foundations of Grothendieck duality for diagrams of schemes / Joseph Lipman, Mitsuyasu Hashimoto - x, 478 páginas - Lecture notes in mathematics, v. 1960 . - Lecture notes in mathematics .
Traducción de: [Algebraicheskaya geometriya]
9783540854197 3540854193
Esquemas (Geometría algebraica)
Curvas algebraicas
Superficies algebraicas
Álgebra lineal
QA564 / L56513