Symmetry in chaos :
Field, Michael John, 1945-,
Symmetry in chaos : a search for pattern in mathematics, art, and nature / Michael Field, Martin Golubitsky. - 2nd ed. - xiv, 199 páginas : ilustraciones (principalmente a color)
Introduction to symmetry and chaos -- Planar symmetries -- Patterns everywhere -- Chaos and symmetry creation -- Symmetric icons -- Quilts -- Symmetric fractals
9780898716726 0898716721
Comportamiento caótico en sistemas
Q172.5S95 / F54 2009
Symmetry in chaos : a search for pattern in mathematics, art, and nature / Michael Field, Martin Golubitsky. - 2nd ed. - xiv, 199 páginas : ilustraciones (principalmente a color)
Introduction to symmetry and chaos -- Planar symmetries -- Patterns everywhere -- Chaos and symmetry creation -- Symmetric icons -- Quilts -- Symmetric fractals
9780898716726 0898716721
Comportamiento caótico en sistemas
Q172.5S95 / F54 2009