D-modules, perverse sheaves, and representation theory /
Hotta, R.
D-modules, perverse sheaves, and representation theory / Ryoshi Hotta, Kiyoshi Takeuchi, Toshiyuki Tanisaki ; translated by Kiyoshi Takeuchi - English ed. - x, 407 páginas : ilustraciones - Progress in mathematics ; v. 236 . - Progress in mathematics (Boston, Massachusetts) ; v. 236 .
Traducción de: D-kagun to daisåugun
081764363X 9780817643638
Grupos algebraicos lineales
Teoría de los grupos
QA179 / H6713
D-modules, perverse sheaves, and representation theory / Ryoshi Hotta, Kiyoshi Takeuchi, Toshiyuki Tanisaki ; translated by Kiyoshi Takeuchi - English ed. - x, 407 páginas : ilustraciones - Progress in mathematics ; v. 236 . - Progress in mathematics (Boston, Massachusetts) ; v. 236 .
Traducción de: D-kagun to daisåugun
081764363X 9780817643638
Grupos algebraicos lineales
Teoría de los grupos
QA179 / H6713