Painleve equations in the differential geometry of surfaces /
Bobenko, Alexander I.,
Painleve equations in the differential geometry of surfaces / Alexander I. Bobenko, Ulrich Eitner - 117 páginas - Lecture notes in mathematics, 1753 . - Lecture notes in mathematics .
3540414142 (rustica : papel libre de acido)
Ecuaciones de Painlevé
QA649 / B63
510 s 515/.352
Painleve equations in the differential geometry of surfaces / Alexander I. Bobenko, Ulrich Eitner - 117 páginas - Lecture notes in mathematics, 1753 . - Lecture notes in mathematics .
3540414142 (rustica : papel libre de acido)
Ecuaciones de Painlevé
QA649 / B63
510 s 515/.352