Representations of algebras sixth International Conference, August 19-22, 1992, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Representations of algebras : sixth International Conference, August 19-22, 1992, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada /
Vlastimil Dlab, Helmut Lenzing, ed.
- xxv, 478 páginas
- Conference proceedings / Canadian Mathematical Society ; 14 .
- Conference proceedings (Canadian Mathematical Society) .
0821860194 (papel libre de acido)
Algebras asociativas--Congresos
Representaciones de álgebras--Congresos
QA251.5 / I57 1992
0821860194 (papel libre de acido)
Algebras asociativas--Congresos
Representaciones de álgebras--Congresos
QA251.5 / I57 1992