Rational approximations and orthogonality
Nikishin, E. M.
Rational approximations and orthogonality / E.m. nikishin, v.n. sorokin ; translated from the russian by Ralph p. boas ; tr. ed. by sergei gelfand - viii, 221 páginas - Translations of mathematical monographs ; v. 92 .
Teoría de la aproximación
Funciones analíticas
QA221 / N5513
Rational approximations and orthogonality / E.m. nikishin, v.n. sorokin ; translated from the russian by Ralph p. boas ; tr. ed. by sergei gelfand - viii, 221 páginas - Translations of mathematical monographs ; v. 92 .
Teoría de la aproximación
Funciones analíticas
QA221 / N5513