Statistical fluid mechanics :
Monin, A. S. 1921-
Statistical fluid mechanics : Mechanics of turbulence / A.s. monin and a.m. yaglom ; ed. by John l. lumley - # english ed. updated, augm. and rev. / By the authors - volúmenes
Traduccion de: statisticheskaia gidromekhanika
Mecánica de fluidos
QA911 / M64 1971
Statistical fluid mechanics : Mechanics of turbulence / A.s. monin and a.m. yaglom ; ed. by John l. lumley - # english ed. updated, augm. and rev. / By the authors - volúmenes
Traduccion de: statisticheskaia gidromekhanika
Mecánica de fluidos
QA911 / M64 1971