Fundamentals of advanced mathematics
Bourlès, Henri,
Fundamentals of advanced mathematics / Henri Bourlès ; translation by Cecil Day-Lewis - volúmenes : ilustraciones - New mathematical methods, systems and applications set .
Categories, algebraic structures, linear and homological algebra -- Field extensions, topology and topological vector spaces, functional spaces, and sheaves Differential calculus, tensor calculus, differential geometry, global analysis 1. 2. 3
9781785481734 9781785482496 1785482491 9781785482502
Estructuras algebraicas ordenadas
Módulos (Álgebra)
QA37.3 / B68
Fundamentals of advanced mathematics / Henri Bourlès ; translation by Cecil Day-Lewis - volúmenes : ilustraciones - New mathematical methods, systems and applications set .
Categories, algebraic structures, linear and homological algebra -- Field extensions, topology and topological vector spaces, functional spaces, and sheaves Differential calculus, tensor calculus, differential geometry, global analysis 1. 2. 3
9781785481734 9781785482496 1785482491 9781785482502
Estructuras algebraicas ordenadas
Módulos (Álgebra)
QA37.3 / B68